Friday, July 31, 2009


I just don't get humans sometimes...

The whole experience with the freak that sent me the nasty e-mail is still blowing my mind but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I don't know what it is like where you live but gay people here in San Diego tend to be really hypercritical of each other. Far different from the attitudes of people in Florida.

It seems there is always some gossip, or some negative comment and or slander coming out of the mouths of a lot of people I happen to hear when I am out of the house.

People these days just judge on the surface and it is sad.

For instance, I found this guy (left) on the ChaosMen site (I am getting pics for tomorrow's Borderboys post) and I got to thinking about this picture of their model Vasilis.

Despite the fact that he has a beautiful face how many would judge him on other things- like penis size?

No matter how nice or how sweet many would just say- nah...he is a needle dick.

But if you look at a person, things or situations from a different angle...

...things may not be as they initially appear.

That's the same model looking quite a bit larger from a different perspective.

I think the thing that bothered me most about the dumb ass e-mailing was that he was so typical of people these days. No one ever seeks the truth or looks at things from different angles...they just hear shit and repeat it, or worse yet, with a sideways glance assume stuff that isn't true and that could possibly hurt someone inside when they really don't deserve the disrespect.

So that's a random thought for today-I got to thinking about this and the whole e-mailer situation after I saw that pic.

Funny how little things can make you think...if you allow yourself to!


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Just for the record that is my partner of seven years sucking my cock... the next time you see or hear someone saying I write a blog to get close to porn stars to fuck them, as the dumb ass who e-mailed me eluded to, send them here.

He is going to be 39 on September....I like MEN...not teenage porn stars...I just write about them!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome To Chuckyland

I decided to make a "Chucky Baer" page because I didn't like using the other one I have with my old radio name. Too many people that may be progressive democrats but not in the adult industry may have access to it.

So here we are.

Let me state from the start that the opinions I write on here are my own and if someone doesn't like the nuggets of truth that I put out there...sorry...I will not be censored or coerced into deleting what I write and what I feel.

Beyond that...welcome ti Chucky Baer's Den!