...and then instead of finding Osama Bin Laden...the alleged "mastermind" of the attack we went ahead and invaded a country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack...not one person on those planes were Iraqi citizens.
It sickens me when I hear right-wing radio...who continue to cover up the international war crimes of the Bush Crime Family...along with the complicity of the closed-eyed Obama administration...go on about how we should remember the 3000 people that died eight years ago today.
Not that the loss of human life is something to ignore but you have to ask yourself if we have really honored those people who died?
Have we had a real investigation into 9/11 or have we allowed the mainstream, media, which is primarily owned by conservatives who were lock-step Bush Crime Family supporters, and their pundits dumb down America. When valid reports come to light by independent investigators- either here in the states or abroad it is dismissed as information from whacked out conspiracy theory people.
But are they really whacked out when they use facts and logic to back up what they claim?
Even when 7 CIA veterans call the 911 Commision report a joke is is blown off as a non-story:
During his 27-year CIA career, McGovern personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other senior government officials. Upon retirement in 1990, McGovern was awarded the CIA’s Intelligence Commendation Medallion and received a letter of appreciation from then President George H. W. Bush. However, McGovern returned the award in 2006 in protest of the current George W. Bush Administration’s advocacy and use of torture.
Statements questioning the official account of 9/11 and calls for a new investigation by hundreds of credible individuals can be found at http://PatriotsQuestion911.com
The Obama administration has thus far closed it's ears to this while they try to shove the evasive health care reform bill- all 1100 pages of it down out throats.
No explanation for why it looked as though both of the twin towers and building 7 appeared to be the same as a controlled demolition.
In fact any information in the 911 report, that I did read, that had to do with firefighter testimony about hearing explosions on the lower floors was blacked out or redacted in the official report.
The unthinking majority in America seriously want to believe that structures like the World Trade Center could implode naturally and turn to dust.
Despite experts pointing out that it's is literally impossible...like in the pic below...still we do not honor the dead from eight years ago by seeking the truth at best and justice for their unnecessary deaths at least
Look at the bullet points on this picture.
Right click and enlarge this to read what it says.
Here is an excerpt from an essay by another scholar...this will be written off as lunacy while the official story and what Sean Hannity on FOX NEWS says about the day is gospel truth...that shows how dumbed down many Americans are...go ahead and read...
Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC
Jerry Russell, Ph.D
Steel frame towers are built very strongly. They need to withstand the pressure of gale-force winds, the violent rocking motion of earthquakes, and the ravages of time. For this reason, they are almost impossible to destroy.
Airplane strikes do not destroy skyscrapers. A bomber strike to the Empire State Building during World War II did not harm that building. The World Trade Center towers were designed to survive a strike by a Boeing 707. The 767 is more massive, so the building was stressed near its design limits. But if a failure had occurred at that moment, it would have been at the point of highest levered stress, near the base of the tower, and the tower would have fallen over like a giant tree in a forest windstorm. That, of course, did not happen.
Fires do not destroy skyscrapers. Never in the history of steel frame structures has a single one been destroyed by fire.
How to destroy a skyscraper. So, how do you destroy a skyscraper? Suppose you need the vacant land to build another one, for example.
A nuclear bomb is very effective, but it can be difficult to get permits from the city.
An early invention was the wrecking ball. A huge lump of steel and lead is swung from a massive chain at high speed. With the benefit of momentum, it is able to bend or break a few girders at a time. But it would be a hopeless task to destroy a tower the size of the World Trade Center, using a wrecking ball.
The most effective, cleanest, safest way to destroy a skyscraper is known as controlled demolition. The trick is to distribute explosives at key points throughout the structure. The explosives are detonated simultaneously, destroying the integrity of the steel frame at key points, such that no part of the building is supported against the force of gravity. The entire mass is pulled swiftly to earth, where gravity does the work of pounding the structure into tiny fragments of steel and concrete. The gravitational potential energy of the structure is converted smoothly and uniformly into kinetic energy, and then is available very efficiently to pulverize the fragments of the building as they impact against the unyielding earth. Controlled demolitions have a striking and characteristic appearance of smooth, flowing collapse.
As your eyes will tell you, the World Trade Center collapses looked like controlled demolitions. Here's the proof.
The proof. According to the law of gravity, it is possible to calculate the time it takes for an object to fall a given distance. The equation is H=(1/2)at2, where H is the height, a is the acceleration of gravity (10 meters per second squared) and t is time in seconds. Plug in the height of the building at 1350 feet (411 meters) and we get 9 seconds. That is just about the length of time it took for the very top of the World Trade Center to fall to the street below. According to all reports, the whole thing was over in just about ten seconds.
It is as if the entire building were falling straight down through thin air. As if the entire solid structure below, the strong part which had not been burned or sliced or harmed in any significant way, just disappeared into nothingness. Yet this (within a small tolerance) is what we would expect to find if there had been a controlled demolition, because the explosions below really do leave the upper stories completely unsupported. Like the Road Runner after he runs off the edge of the cliff, the entire building pauses a moment, then goes straight down.
You can read the rest here.So with all that in mind and the fact that we turned away from getting bin Laden and attacked Iraq and it's citizens... who never, in the history of the United States blew up anything on our soil....don't you think it is a bit hypocritical for Obama, the Mayor of New York and all these other phony media whores to be claiming that they give a rat's ass about the people who died eight years ago today when the truth officially remains hidden and the people that were really responsible still roam free while children in Iraq, thanks to the depleted uranium we used there are developing diseases like Leukemia...don't believe me...go look it up.
I do and it makes me sick.
And if you are allergenic to reading watch this video and tell me why there would be explosions multiple floors down from the impact sires well before the buildings allegedly collapsed.
Shame on the current administration for not starting a real investigation and shame on them for pretending to honor the dead when the truth is buried deeper than the people we lost eight years ago today.
World Trade Center -- Controlled Demolition