Yet these people that call themselves "Christians" continue to insist that hating gays as sinful people was something their Christ advocated.
What brain dead Bible literalists fail to understand is that words were different back then- especially when words were translated.
In one of the Gospels, Matthew, there is Jesus talking about Eunuchs...these were the people of his time that had sam sex attractions. Gay folk were not invented in the 20th century- from the early Greeks to the Pagan tribes in his part of the world same sex attractions have always been around and just the way they are today.
So when you hear someone claiming that in Jesus' name they have the God given right to condemn us queers remind them about what he said about Eunuchs in his time...here is a video to help you with that.
Whether you believe that Jesus Christ was who they said he was you have to admit that he preached some really liberal and decent things to the corrupt people of his time. And like I said yesterday- he was put to death to be silenced because he was upsetting the comfortable status quo the religious leaders enjoyed...those of us who dare to speak up or condemn hate-based organized religion are continuing his work whether we realize that or not!
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