If you have neighbors that may be worried that their little Johnny ism't quite butch enough and that he may turn out to be gay or at least prefer Barbie Dol,s over GI Joe's there is help for them!
One worry for these parents of fem boys is the choice of Halloween costumes.
Try as they might the child always wants the least masculine costume at the store.
Of course we know not wearing totally masculine costumes will turn any boy gay.
So parents beware and watch this news report before you take Johnny to the store!
I have always been an advocate of legalizing marijuana- especially for cancer patients. I just don't get why Mary Jane is illegal while tobacco- that is 100 times more addictive is legal...
Oh I know...the government hasn't figured out how to package, sell and TAX IT yet!
Well at least there is some good news for medical marijuana users.
From the NY Times:
People who use marijuana for medical purposes and those who distribute it to them should not face federal prosecution, provided they act according to state law, the Justice Department said Monday in a directive with far-reaching political and legal implications.
In a memorandum to federal prosecutors in the 14 states that make some allowance for the use of medical marijuana, the department said that it was committed to the “efficient and rational use” of its resources and that prosecuting patients and distributors who are in “clear and unambiguous compliance” with state laws did not meet that standard.
The new stance was hardly an enthusiastic embrace of medical marijuana, or the laws that allow it in some states, but signaled clearly that the Obama administration thought there were more important priorities for prosecutors.
“It will not be a priority to use federal resources to prosecute patients with serious illnesses or their caregivers who are complying with state laws on medical marijuana,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a statement accompanying the memo, “but we will not tolerate drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law to mask activities that are clearly illegal.”
Emphasizing that it would continue to pursue those who use the concept of medical marijuana as a ruse, the department said, “Marijuana distribution in the United States remains the single largest source of revenue for the Mexican cartels,” and pursuing the makers and sellers of illegal drugs, including marijuana, will remain a “core priority.”
I did it...I confronted Shirley Phelps-Roper... luckily I was able to capture some video and put her on the spot before the angry woman cop decided I didn't have the right to confront verbally a woman who would just assume see me dead.
The mainstream media's coverage of this was abysmal and as usual they ignored the real stories and camped around the demon spawn!
Since I am sending the piece I wrote and the video to non-adult oriented sires and people...including people from the religious community that were there protesting against Phelps-Roper, I created a new blog called GOD HATES HATERS.
To read the article, and to especially watch the video that I want you all to see and hear, just click here...and feel free to re-twit or post the URL TO THE NEW SITE if you like what I wrote and the video presentation.
Am I done with her yet?
I have one more question for her which should totally make her look like the vermin she is!
The following story is a perfect example of how the teachings of freaks like the Phelps family and other so-called "churches" of hate teach children to become adults that justify beating the shit out of a person because they are gay.
The story claims that the gay person was blowing the straight guy a kiss. They usually come up with bullshit like that to justify their actions. And even if that was the case does someone deserve to get beaten for that?
The Phelps family would say- hell yes, and in God's name as well!
Click the link below and to read the story and be sure to look at the tattoo from the Bible's Leviticus book on this thugs arm.
Back when am1360 KLSD existed I had an exchange, on the air, with the freakish Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper (born October 31, 1957) is the eldest daughter of Fred Phelps, minister of the Westboro Baptist Church.
After questioning her about her stance on gays I turned to the anti-semitism...not only do they hate "fags' but Jews as well. When I pointed out that the majority of what they base their insanity in comes straight out of the Old Testament and the Jewish purity laws in Leviticus and that it seemed to be a contradiction her forked tongue got all tangled.
I wish I had an MP3 of that segment...it was priceless.
I am not sure if she will be here over the weekend but the rest of the sick bastards will be and the majority of places they have targeted are Jewish temples so this isn't just a gay issue.
Later today I contacting the mayor's office to find out if he is going to condemn their visit here and what plans are in place to deal with these domestic terrorists. I may even contact homeland security and ask them why they do not treat these people like Britain's Home Secretary did back in February 2009.
The Home Secretary has banned two extremist anti-gay preachers from entering Britain, a move that follows a decision to refuse entry to Geert Wilders, the Dutch anti-Muslim MP.
Fred Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper, who belong to the US Westboro Baptist Church, were planning to come to the UK to protest outside a performance of a youth play called The Laramie Project, which recounts the death of gay university student Matthew Shepard who was killed in Laramie, Wyoming, in October 1998.
It was due to be performed at Queen Mary's College in Basingstoke, Hampshire, tomorrow.
The pair have been known to picket US soldiers’ funerals, holding up banners with phrases such as "God Hates Fags" because they believe that their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are punishment for America’s tolerance of gays.
Confirming their ban, a UK Border Agency spokesman said: "The Home Secretary has excluded both Fred Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper from the UK.
"Both these individuals have engaged in unacceptable behaviour by inciting hatred against a number of communities.
"The Government has made it clear it opposes extremism in all its forms.
"We will continue to stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country.
Question is why they are still allowed to roam around the US targeting gays and Jews?
Some will argue that it is a first amendment right to go out and preach and teach hate in a god's name.
The first amendment says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
No where in there does it say one can go out and encourage hate and violence towards other citizens.
It allows them to practice their twisted religion in their church but when it is an organization, who's main focus is verbally terrorizing gays, Jews and even the funerals of dead US troops, the fine line is crossed in my opinion.
Yet they are tolerated and they will be protected by the police all weekend.
No doubt a barricade of cops will be around the homophobes....just like at gay pride.
Ironic that the police are protecting the perpetrators rather than the victims of the hate.
And that occurs because gay communities and gay folk allow it to be that way. Other groups- especially races would not peacefully counter protest people that have a sole ainm of hurting them.
For example if I got a church together, used a "god" and 2000 plus year old purity laws and texts to justify my insanity and was given tax exempt status with my main focus was to run around African-American events and neighborhoods with "God Hates Niggers" or "God Wants the Coons Lynched" signs I can almost guarantee that my hate-based organization masked as a "church" would lose its tax exempt status and I would be silenced immediately.
And rightfully so...the same Bible was used to justify the inhuman treatment and enslavement of black Americans for well over two centuries until the murder of Emmett Till- a young Chicago black teen visiting in the deep south was brutally murdered for whistling at a white woman...see the last video for more on his murder.
This murder triggered the civil rights movement and brought forth voices with courage like Dr. Martin Lither King.
Black folk would not stand for that these days and would just sing "give peace a chance" to haters and bigots. And neither would I...I still get upset when I hear black kids and non-black people calling each other "nigger".
There would be mass counter protests and unlike what is planned this weekend, the black folk would not be singing songs to these freaks...they would run them out of town with whatever means necessary...even if it meant some of them may be arrested themselves....like in this picture from the 1974 Boston busing riots.
Imagine if blacks from the 1960's saved face and just sang to the people who used the Bible to hate them without fighting back. Would we still have separate drinking fountains and would they still have to sit in the back of the bus?
More than likely if black folk had done what "gay communities" around America have done in response to the hate-based religious zealots..who if they could get away with it would have a lynching of some queers in their god's name. If you bothered to listen to my radio program from last Octoberon this postwhere I talked about the ten year anniversary of the crucifixion of Matthew Shepard, the murder of 15-year-old Lawrence Kind and my own experience...being a victim of a hate crime victim in 2000 you will understand why that is so.
When there is a high profile murder we al get on the bandwagon. After a while we erase it from memory. Or worse yet we think that having peaceful protests somehow makes us look better. it doesn't- it makes us look like the whimpering little fagots while allowing people like the Phelps family who also protested at Matthew's funeral to continue to carry on.
The Phelps family, and all the other religious nutbags that parrot their homophobia in God's name, are the very people that justified, in the minds of Matthew's killers, what they did to him.
This is why there still is no laws, either in states or on the federal level that bans organizations that are solely in existence to instill fear and hate, and perhaps justify violence towards other citizens in a god's name, to pose as a church and receive first amendment protection.
I am, by nature an anti-war, anti-violence person but there comes a time when peaceful demonstrations become ineffective and almost a joke.
Whether it is protests against the Phelps clan, Prop 8 or the invasion of Iraq the people who organize the counter protests insist on "peaceful" counter protests.
It seems to me that they are more worried about saving face and looking good in the press rather than doing the right thing.
We lost the battle last November when the organizers of local marches against Prop 8 also insisted on "peaceful" and submissive marches.
Instead of gays being god damn angry- our civil rights and the right to purchase a state issued license was being taken away we were told to not get angry and keep it peaceful.Sorry but when my civil rights are being taken away by a bunch of religious cult members and fanatics I tend to get pissed off not peaceful.
The point is peace is a wonderful concept but when you are dealing with a bully or an abuser it simply doesn't work. For some reason the gay community...in the face of scum like the Phelps freaks have become synonymous with battered wives.
Despite the fact that the husband beats them, they try to make pace at home...for the kid's sake or whatever until they have enough of the abuse or until the worst case scenario occurs.
Here is another story from my childhood...
When I was a teenager I was outed at age 12.
As the years progressed the gay bashing- some physical but most mental and verbal escalated. Like the good fag I just silently took the abuse and held the anger inside.
I swallowed the injustice- the insanity of people hating me because of something that I had no control over. Yes I could have denied what I knew was my reality and hid in a closet playing it straight but being outed it was too late for that.
It got to the point where I was so traumatized and terrified by the bullies and the bigots that I wouldn't even ride the bus to school.
Finally in 11th grade I snapped.
I had enough of being harassed and one guy named Vincent- who secretly had "fooled around with me for months but called me faggot with his friends around- finally helped me find my voice and my balls. I finally had enough of the abuse and didn't peacefully cower anymore.
Right outside the science rooms I beat the hell out of him.
I stood up to the bully. In this case a less than peaceful reaction was needed. The pacifist routine only empowered the bullies but when I made it clear that I had enough and this "queer" could whip your ass it all but stopped. Suddenly other boys and girls that were gay, came out to me. Sensible hetero students that were not taught to fear or hate gays also became friends and allies.
The moral of the story?
There is a time and place for peaceful protests and a time ti be justifiably angry.
We should have been angry when our civil tights were taken away here in California...wewere nit. We laid down in a flower bed and got fucked without the grease.
We shopuld be angry- both gays and Jews when the Phelps family comes to protest and terrotrize high school kids or temples of worship...instead the plan is to sing songs peavfully.
We should be angry with the state, locak and federal lawmakers who eleven years after Matthew's death have failed to clearly identify fake churches like the Westboro Baptist Church as domestic socual terroriusts and write laws that treat thenm the same way we treat the fundementaklist Islamics who also base their hate-filled ideologu on a twisted version of their dietyu.
We should be angry at ourselves and shamed for being cowards and not being brave like the people who fought in the 60's fir the humane treatment of people with black skin.
Because right now...as you are reading this...somewhere in America a gay teen is being called fagot, beaten up, thrown out iof the house, or considering suicide because people around him, that were taught that God hates Fags, are justifying the abuse and no one gives a damn enough to help or least of all fight back in their name because we are too busty singing and ignoring it until oty happens to us personally.
People like the Phelps and the others in this country that gave been brainwashed are directly responsible fir the deaths of gay, bi, transgendered and lesbian teens who take their own lives rather than suffer the abuse.
That should make you angry and singing a different tune if you attend the protest here in San Diego tomorrow and over the weekend!
I will be at the San Diego High School protest at 2pm tomorrow.
Here is a video segment with the freak Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper
Before I started the Borderboys blog and before the 2008 election I was doing an online radio program...since our local progressive station was gone many of us offered up live programs.
This particular show was recorded on October 7, 2008- during the anniversary week of the murder ofMatthew Wayne Shepard(December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998). I also talk about the NO H8 stuff and in the third segment of the first hour I speak about the murder of Lawrence King.
With the Phelps family (God Hates Fags) people coming on Friday I thought it may be interesting to share this with you all.
If the third segment doesn't move you- you are dead inside.
The plan by organized groups is to peacefully protest with singing and music when these vile bastards show up at San Diego High School on Friday.
Tomorrow I will tell you why I think that is ridiculous.
Listen to the program...you may want to skip the first segment...and then tell me that singing to bigots and bullies will shut them up.
It is my opinion that cowering...which is exactly what all this peaceful protest stuff is...again I will explain tomorrow...will allow sick people like this to affect the next verbal assault, gay bashing or murder of another gay adult ...or worse still another teenager like Lawrence King.
And by the way I was the victim of a gay bashing and nearly beaten to death in 2000...more on that tomorrow as well.
My radio name is Philip Racuel and no...that isn't my real last name!
The Phelps family is invading San Diego Friday. The pic on the left is an example if what these sick bastards do- not only;y do they preach hate and hate alone, they indoctrinate children.
And it just isn't the Phelps family that does this. Across America the Christian Taliban- otherwise known as the "Conservative Christians" or "evangelicals" twist the words of the man they name themselves after- Jesus Christ and teach innocent children to hate what they don't understand or is different from them.
Before it was homosexuals it was the blacks that were the target- remember slavery in America was justified by using the Bible.
We have spent the last eight years, thanks to FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh and the Bush Crime family demonizing anyone that was Muslim.
Every terrorist is definitely an Islamic in the minds of the dumbed down. this is not to say that there are not absolute lunatics in that religion...obviously there are...but what about the people like the Phelps family?
Islamic Fundamentalists are accused of indoctrination- especially of the young and choosing to use the bits, out of their holy book, that justify their hate and violence while leaving the good bits behind.
How much difference is between that and what the Phelps family and other homophobes like them do with what they preach and say?
Most will agree that people that participate in al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan are insane to say the least.
Yet no one questions the sanity of the fundie Christians and especially the Phelps clanm. Homophobia is a pyschiatric condition- irrational fear of the same.
The Phelps family are domestic terrorists...they may not set off bombs but how many gay people have been beaten...some to death...because of what they preach on their God hates fags site?
If that was an Islamic based website it would have been shut down long ago.
Instead itremains and the so-called church enjoys tax exempt status.
There is something wrong with that.
Tomorrow I am going to tell you about why I think the planned protests Friday actually aide the Phelps family.
Today I want to share with you one of the things I use to counter homophobes and the Christian Taliban when they try to shove their hate down my throat.
You may be surprised to learn that 2000 plus years ago the common word used for men with same sex attractions was EUNUCHS.
The word gay, or fag, or queer didn't exist then. In fact the term "gay" used to mean happy and was not used in reference to gay folk until the 1960's or early 70's. Before that it just meant happy.
Listen to the theme from the Flintstones...the end bit says "we'll have a gay old time!"
That didn't mean Fred and Barney were going to tell Wilma and Betty to piss off and have a tee dance at the water Buffalo Lodge.
It's just meant happy, fun time.
Over the years words and terms change.
Kids today call things that are cool "sick"... sick used to mean puking your guts up.
Different generations use different words different;y- history proves that. And when you are talking about a book written 2000 plus years ago you have to understand what words- if they were translated correctly- were used and in what context.
Jesus never spoke of homosexuality at all but he did speak about the eunuchs.
The words "what the fuck" seemed appropriate yesterday when I heard that Barach Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize..and the 1.4 million monetary prize (he says it will be donated to charity)
The Nobel site says that he was awarded the prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
All well and good but the trouble is he was nominated for the Nobel after less than a month in office!
He deserves a place in history as the first non-white president and accolades for his charisma and speaking ability but a Nobel Peace Prize - get serious.
Acceptance of the prize puts him at high political risk especially if Afghanistan goes south or another 9-11 occurs on U.S. soil. His inability to fulfill his campaign promises even with huge Democrat majorities in Congress, putting the prestige of the Presidency unwisely on the line in the Harvard professor/Cambridge cops dust up and by flying to Europe in an attempt to sell the Olympic's 2016 site committee on Chicago, his overexposure in the media and now a farcical Nobel are beginning to make his tenure look like the Seinfeld show or a famous Shakespeare play - all about nothing.
Since that time I have seen him parrot some of the same rhetoric as the Bush Crime Family.
According to Albert Nobel's will, the peace prize was to be awarded " to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Tell me how Obama has done any of that?
Take Iran for instance. No matter what you think about the Iranian President the fact of the matter is that Iran is surrounded by nations with nuclear weapons. Israel is chock-o-block with nukes as well as other weapons thanks to the United States.
Instead of taking a new course, perhaps pointing out that the citizens of that country have the right to protect themselves or demanding that nations around the region, including Israel disarm their nukes, I have heard the same rhetoric. A nuclear Iran is a danger...but a nuclear Israel...who attacked Lebanon for no good reason and who is still embroiled in the insanity with the Palestinians isn't.
When he was on the campaign trail the promise was for change...change from the war mongering and the profiteering we saw during the Bush years and yet Obama has made Afghanistan his war. Our troops are still dying over there and both fronts - Iraq and Afghanistan are countries that Congress never declared war against and yet he refers to the action in Afghanistan as a war.
Presently he is considering whether to remove troops or increase them. Yes, the Taliban along with al Queada is a bunch of religious freaks that are insane- no better than the Christian freaks, like Fred Phelps, that we have in this country.
But has it ever occurred to Obama and the rest of these idiots that if we would get the fuck out of another country's business and stop invading lands that we have no business in then NO ONE would have just cause, well just cause in their minds, to attack us?
Of course not because war means profit...lots of profit. Death means millions to corporations and war profiteers like Halliburton. If any other country...say Germany came on outr soil and claimed they were fighting the Christian right wing bigots...inadvertently blowing up women and children in the process we all would be pissed off.
The idea that he is bringing people together makes me laugh.
Here at home the country is divided over the healthcare crap that is being shoved down our throats. Instead of focusing on why companies like cable, telephone, cell, pharmaceutical, and others are still making mega profits for their CEO's while a lot of people in America struggle to feed their families they are hell bent on this health care crap- this will not benefit the average citizen...it will benefit hospitals, insurance companies and others in the medical fields.
But we got what we were sold. The Republicans purposely offered up a losing team- Cancer-ridden Lumpy McCain and that freak of a woman Sarah Palin. The media sold us the idea that it would be really progressive to elect a woman or a black guy. Meanwhile Democrats across the country did what the Republicans intended.
They closed their eyes to real progressive Democrats like Dennis Kucinnich or Mike Gravel and were bought what we were sold. Obama is not a progressive liberal...he is a corporatist. Hillary Clinton, like her hubby, is Republican lite.
If a prize should be awarded to anyone it would be the right-wing media (most networks are owned and run by right wing conservatives like Ruppert Murdoch) who made sure Americans elected who they wanted. they wanted Obama because they knew he was part of a larger team.
Now with this health care reform push and the lack of concern bY the other criminals like Nancy Pelosi in the Congress on some of the real domestic and foreign problems we still are embroiled in they are giving the right-wing talkers, led by Rush Limbaugh exactly what they needed to convince dumbed-down America to vote Republican again in 2010 and perhaps 2012 when they will offer up a more sensible team to run against Obama and Biden.
There is something very strange about the awarding of this prize to Obama and the almost obsessed focus on the health care reform bill at the exclusion of all the other problems.
We have used billions to bail out banks and corporations but the average America has not been bailed out of a god damn thing.
But we have reaped what we sewed...we had the chance to elect a real progressive Democrat and instead we got exactly what the Republicans party wanted and that is how they will take back Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012.
I am Chucky Baer and I am the owner of the San Diego Borderboys blog. This is my little corner of the world where I share my personal side and personal thoughts- all uncensored!