The Phelps family is invading San Diego Friday. The pic on the left is an example if what these sick bastards do- not only;y do they preach hate and hate alone, they indoctrinate children.
And it just isn't the Phelps family that does this. Across America the Christian Taliban- otherwise known as the "Conservative Christians" or "evangelicals" twist the words of the man they name themselves after- Jesus Christ and teach innocent children to hate what they don't understand or is different from them.
Before it was homosexuals it was the blacks that were the target- remember slavery in America was justified by using the Bible.
We have spent the last eight years, thanks to FOX NEWS, Rush Limbaugh and the Bush Crime family demonizing anyone that was Muslim.
Every terrorist is definitely an Islamic in the minds of the dumbed down. this is not to say that there are not absolute lunatics in that religion...obviously there are...but what about the people like the Phelps family?
Islamic Fundamentalists are accused of indoctrination- especially of the young and choosing to use the bits, out of their holy book, that justify their hate and violence while leaving the good bits behind.
How much difference is between that and what the Phelps family and other homophobes like them do with what they preach and say?
Most will agree that people that participate in al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan are insane to say the least.
Yet no one questions the sanity of the fundie Christians and especially the Phelps clanm.
Homophobia is a pyschiatric condition- irrational fear of the same.
The Phelps family are domestic terrorists...they may not set off bombs but how many gay people have been beaten...some to death...because of what they preach on their God hates fags site?
If that was an Islamic based website it would have been shut down long ago.
Instead it remains and the so-called church enjoys tax exempt status.
There is something wrong with that.
Tomorrow I am going to tell you about why I think the planned protests Friday actually aide the Phelps family.
Today I want to share with you one of the things I use to counter homophobes and the Christian Taliban when they try to shove their hate down my throat.
You may be surprised to learn that 2000 plus years ago the common word used for men with same sex attractions was EUNUCHS.
The word gay, or fag, or queer didn't exist then. In fact the term "gay" used to mean happy and was not used in reference to gay folk until the 1960's or early 70's. Before that it just meant happy.
Listen to the theme from the Flintstones...the end bit says "we'll have a gay old time!"
That didn't mean Fred and Barney were going to tell Wilma and Betty to piss off and have a tee dance at the water Buffalo Lodge.
It's just meant happy, fun time.
Over the years words and terms change.
Kids today call things that are cool "sick"... sick used to mean puking your guts up.
Different generations use different words different;y- history proves that. And when you are talking about a book written 2000 plus years ago you have to understand what words- if they were translated correctly- were used and in what context.
Jesus never spoke of homosexuality at all but he did speak about the eunuchs.
More tomorrow...
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