The Nobel site says that he was awarded the prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
All well and good but the trouble is he was nominated for the Nobel after less than a month in office!
He deserves a place in history as the first non-white president and accolades for his charisma and speaking ability but a Nobel Peace Prize - get serious.
Acceptance of the prize puts him at high political risk especially if Afghanistan goes south or another 9-11 occurs on U.S. soil. His inability to fulfill his campaign promises even with huge Democrat majorities in Congress, putting the prestige of the Presidency unwisely on the line in the Harvard professor/Cambridge cops dust up and by flying to Europe in an attempt to sell the Olympic's 2016 site committee on Chicago, his overexposure in the media and now a farcical Nobel are beginning to make his tenure look like the Seinfeld show or a famous Shakespeare play - all about nothing.
Since that time I have seen him parrot some of the same rhetoric as the Bush Crime Family.
According to Albert Nobel's will, the peace prize was to be awarded " to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Tell me how Obama has done any of that?
Take Iran for instance. No matter what you think about the Iranian President the fact of the matter is that Iran is surrounded by nations with nuclear weapons. Israel is chock-o-block with nukes as well as other weapons thanks to the United States.
Instead of taking a new course, perhaps pointing out that the citizens of that country have the right to protect themselves or demanding that nations around the region, including Israel disarm their nukes, I have heard the same rhetoric. A nuclear Iran is a danger...but a nuclear Israel...who attacked Lebanon for no good reason and who is still embroiled in the insanity with the Palestinians isn't.
When he was on the campaign trail the promise was for change...change from the war mongering and the profiteering we saw during the Bush years and yet Obama has made Afghanistan his war. Our troops are still dying over there and both fronts - Iraq and Afghanistan are countries that Congress never declared war against and yet he refers to the action in Afghanistan as a war.
Presently he is considering whether to remove troops or increase them. Yes, the Taliban along with al Queada is a bunch of religious freaks that are insane- no better than the Christian freaks, like Fred Phelps, that we have in this country.
But has it ever occurred to Obama and the rest of these idiots that if we would get the fuck out of another country's business and stop invading lands that we have no business in then NO ONE would have just cause, well just cause in their minds, to attack us?
Of course not because war means profit...lots of profit. Death means millions to corporations and war profiteers like Halliburton. If any other country...say Germany came on outr soil and claimed they were fighting the Christian right wing bigots...inadvertently blowing up women and children in the process we all would be pissed off.
The idea that he is bringing people together makes me laugh.
Here at home the country is divided over the healthcare crap that is being shoved down our throats. Instead of focusing on why companies like cable, telephone, cell, pharmaceutical, and others are still making mega profits for their CEO's while a lot of people in America struggle to feed their families they are hell bent on this health care crap- this will not benefit the average citizen...it will benefit hospitals, insurance companies and others in the medical fields.
But we got what we were sold. The Republicans purposely offered up a losing team- Cancer-ridden Lumpy McCain and that freak of a woman Sarah Palin. The media sold us the idea that it would be really progressive to elect a woman or a black guy. Meanwhile Democrats across the country did what the Republicans intended.
They closed their eyes to real progressive Democrats like Dennis Kucinnich or Mike Gravel and were bought what we were sold. Obama is not a progressive liberal...he is a corporatist. Hillary Clinton, like her hubby, is Republican lite.
If a prize should be awarded to anyone it would be the right-wing media (most networks are owned and run by right wing conservatives like Ruppert Murdoch) who made sure Americans elected who they wanted. they wanted Obama because they knew he was part of a larger team.
Now with this health care reform push and the lack of concern bY the other criminals like Nancy Pelosi in the Congress on some of the real domestic and foreign problems we still are embroiled in they are giving the right-wing talkers, led by Rush Limbaugh exactly what they needed to convince dumbed-down America to vote Republican again in 2010 and perhaps 2012 when they will offer up a more sensible team to run against Obama and Biden.
There is something very strange about the awarding of this prize to Obama and the almost obsessed focus on the health care reform bill at the exclusion of all the other problems.
We have used billions to bail out banks and corporations but the average America has not been bailed out of a god damn thing.
But we have reaped what we sewed...we had the chance to elect a real progressive Democrat and instead we got exactly what the Republicans party wanted and that is how they will take back Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012.
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